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Writer's pictureMolly Mcgee Hewitt

Getting unstuck ...

Have you ever had a drawer or door get stuck? It was unlocked, but no matter how much you pushed, pulled, kicked or yelled at it, the darn thing wouldn’t move!

Sometimes, our frustration is so strong that we do damage just to get thing open.

Other times, we stop, wait and give it some time before trying again. Miraculously, sometimes this works and the door or drawer flings open. If not, we call in reinforcements or help to budge the stubborn situation.

If we really needed what was in the drawer or behind the door, we persevere.
The value of entry makes us keep trying. If we didn’t really need it, we might walk away or find another solution. In other words, our level of frustration was tied to the value the opening had on our comfort or life.

"Once in my first professional job, we were holding an off-site retreat and I had all the materials, including the electronics, name-tags and more, safely in my trunk."

I was excited that my superior, the superintendent of schools, had given me an important role in this event, and I didn’t want to disappoint. When I arrived at the venue hours before the program began to set up, my trunk was stuck. No matter what I did, the key wouldn’t open it. I panicked! I was not going to allow this stuck trunk to derail my commitment or the day. I even tried to get into the trunk through the back seat (to no avail!). Finally, after calling my husband and the district maintenance supervisor, I called a locksmith. Ninety minutes and $200 later, the trunk was open, the event was saved and I was able to honor my responsibility. Now, the trunk could no longer close, but that’s another story!


Stuck trunks, drawers and doors are a lot easier than personal “stuck” situations.

You know what I mean. You’re stymied by something and cannot find a solution. And we can get stuck on a project, in a job, trying to advance, in a relationship, in a class, when cleaning the house or when trying to get our lives moving in the right direction.

The intensity of this feeling of being stuck varies and carries with it multiple emotions.

Sometimes, if you feel stuck and whatever is going on is super important to you, you may get very anxious, even depressed. You may despair and want to give up. You may get angry and search for a source to blame. You may make long-term decisions over a momentary roadblock. Or, if you’re really lucky, you may recognize that you’re stuck and know that you can find answers. You can get unstuck in so many ways.

Fortunately, I have always had some key colleagues and friends that could offer insight and help. While very limited in number, they were, and continue to be, powerful influencers in my life. They care for me and don’t sugar coat their answers. Other times, I’ve sought a professional to offer counseling or advice. And getting unstuck sometimes included going back to school, taking a course, reading or finding wisdom that could help me make the next move.

But what helped me get unstuck most often was desire and perseverance. True, sometimes I languished in the “stuckness” for a while, had a pity party and wallowed a tad. Once I’d had enough, I went on the hunt for answers. Finding the answers or the advice I needed may have involved many attempts – like trying to crawl through my back seat into the trunk! Not all worked, but after a while, I found away.


The E Factor and Leading from the Center are really about my desire to help leaders become empowered in their lives. This website sells nothing. My blogs don’t end by asking you to buy a book or tape. I create them and work on them to help others. It’s what I most want to do with my life – my true passion. I hope my words and work can be a catalyst for others.

You’re not reading this by accident. It’s by design. Maybe you or someone you care about is feeling stuck and needs some ideas or encouragement. Maybe you just needed a positive voice or a reminder of hope for the future!

Getting unstuck is possible and powerful. It enables you to accomplish what you set out for yourself! Stay tuned for more blogs and ideas on this concept.

Life is finite, precious and so exciting. I don’t want you (or me) to miss a moment of what’s possible for us! The world today needs positive and empowered leaders. Let’s become better ones each day.


Jul 05, 2022

So true! Thanks for sharing your heart and your wisdom!


May 25, 2022

Love this, this is exactly what I needed to hear today, thanks for your words of wisdom, always so impactfu!

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