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 Where Did She Go? 

A Word From...


by John Gray

Some people go out with a lot of fanfare...


Think of the farewell tours of bands like The Who, Mötley Crüe, the Rolling Stones, and KISS. In fact, KISS enjoyed the adulation so much that they had five farewell tours. Some people find a way to go out in flames—think Bernie Mado, Richard Nixon, and the Coyote from the Roadrunner cartoons. And then there are those who choose to step away quietly, ensuring that the focus remains on the organization that they served and also knowing that they are leaving it in a place far better than where they found it. That is how Molly McGee Hewitt chose to retire from the California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO).

When Molly took the helm many years ago, CASBO was a statewide association on life support, both financially and reputation-wise. With her expertise in management, public education, and governance, she— with the support of the CASBO board—resurrected CASBO over time into the organization that it is today. She restored CASBO’s place at the table for policy discussion, put the organization on strong financial footing, enhanced business staff development, dramatically expanded membership, and most importantly, restored CASBO’s once stellar reputation.

One of the often-overlooked aspects of the impact that a leader can have is whether they developed the capacity within the organization to continue once they are gone. If there was any doubt about that, it was erased when the CASBO board wisely appointed Molly’s second in command, Tatia Davenport, to the Executive Director position.
When Ron Bennett and I swapped President titles several years ago, he said that in order to be successful, I needed to 
find three or four people with expertise and wisdom that I could count on as trusted advisors. He also said that he was assigning me one of his most trusted advisors and that I would need to find the others.


He assigned me Molly.

I have her cell phone number, so she will always be within reach to continue her role as trusted advisor for me.
Going out on top should be a goal for all of us. Molly is going out on top her way—quietly, with the spotlight
being shined brightly on the organization that she saved and loves, CASBO.


CASBO is a much better organization because of Molly, and so is School Services of California Inc.

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